Perbedaan Switch dengan Router ( The Difference a Router & Switch )
- Router adalah perangkat jaringan yang berfungsi menyampaikan paket data sampai ke tujuan dengan proses routing yang bekerja di layer 3 pada standar lapisan OSI.
- Switch adalah perangkat jaringan yang berfungsi menghubungkan perangkat jaringan seperti komputer, printer, IpPhone, dll menjadi sebuah local area network (LAN) dan switch bekerja di layer 2 pada standar lapisan OSI.
What is a Router?
A router is a networking device that connects computer networks, for example, connecting a home network with the Internet. Routers are the workhorses that transfer packets of data between networks to establish and sustain communication between two nodes in an internetwork. Routers operate at Layer 3 (network layer) of the OSI model; a router uses the destination IP address in a data packet to determine where to forward the packet.
What is a Switch?
While the switch is a network device that serves to connect network devices such as computers, printers, IPphone, etc. into a local area network (LAN) and switches work at layer 2 in the OSI layer standards.
- Lukman Prihandika Blog's. "Perbedaan Switch dengan Router". 5 oct 2016.
- Diffen. "Router Vs Switch". 5 oct 2016.
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