
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

How to Create a Windows 7 Portable USB (Using power iso)

First, if my friend had the power iso download yet ==> POWER ISO Second , prepare at least 4 GB FD  Third . OS WINDOWS 7 or 8 ok .. go into battle.  -  After download, install, and then buka.power iso, do not forget plugs FLASHDISK 

Perbedaan Switch dengan Router ( The Difference a Router & Switch )

Router adalah perangkat jaringan yang berfungsi menyampaikan paket data sampai ke tujuan dengan proses routing yang bekerja di layer 3 pada standar lapisan OSI. Switch adalah


   The router is a computer networking hardware that can be used to connect multiple networks of the same or different. A router is a device to transmit data packets over a network or the internet to be able to the destination, the process is called routing.


Menyelesaikan masalah tentang prosedur perawatan kom.terapan jaringan :  memeriksa kinerja piranti sesuai fungsi pada manual  membersihkan dan menyimpan log kinerja peralatan  melakukan back up  melakukan pengembalian konfigurasi/restore hasil back up Jawab

Definition Link

    Definition link ( or also called hyperlink ) is a reference in a hypertext document ( hypertex ) to another document or other source. Like his stuff a quote in the literature. combined with a network of data and in accordance with